Our Investment Policy


The Board of Directors shall exercise the judgment and care that a person of prudence, discretion and intelligence would exercise as a trustee of the property of others.

The investment objectives of the Foundation are in order of importance:

1. Safety of Principal. Maximize investment earnings, while minimizing risk in any investment vehicle.

2. Maintaining Maximum Liquidity.

3. Comparative Rate of Return sufficient to meet the cash flow requirements of the Foundation.

Asset Allocation:

1. Asset Allocation will be a minimum of 60% Fixed Income Investments, a maximum of 20% Preferred Shares and 20% Common Shares of Canadian banks.

Approved Investment Vehicles:

The following list recommended for investment of the Funds:

1. Guaranteed Investment Certificates of Schedule 1 Banks.

2. Bankers Acceptance of Schedule 1 Banks.

3. Treasury Bills of the Canadian Government.

4. Commercial Paper of major corporations, having a rate of return of no less than R1, High or AAA.

5. Bonds having a rating of A or better at the time of purchase as determined by a professional bond rating service.

6. Preferred shares of Canadian Banks and Life Insurance Companies with a rating of at least P2.

Authorized Personnel:

The Chairman and the Treasurer will implement this policy objective with on going assistance from the Investment Advisor. This shall include the authority to carry out from time to time the purchase and sale of Approved Investment Vehicles.

1. The Investment Broker: Scotia McLeod

2. The Investment Advisor: The Richardson Barton Group

This policy may be changed at any time by a majority of the Board of Directors of the Bennett and Albert County Health Care Foundation.

Effective: February 26th, 2018